Refining and chemical production enterprises such as shale oil, blue coke, coke, calcium carbide and ferroalloy will produce a large amount of low calorific value industrial tail gas in the production process. These combustible gases are mainly composed of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, with complex composition, many impurities, unstable composition, high toxicity, flammability and explosion. Except for the self-use of a small number of refining and chemical plants, most of the rest are burned and exhausted.
針對此類氣體,以燃氣內燃機為基礎,開發了適用于焦爐煤氣、發生爐煤氣、蘭炭尾氣、油頁巖尾氣、電石尾氣、鐵合金尾氣等多種工業尾氣的大功率燃氣發電機組,功率范圍500-1200kW。將這些可燃焦爐煤氣發電利用變廢為寶, 既解決了排放對空氣的污染,又可節約電力資源。
For this kind of gas, based on the gas internal combustion engine, a high-power gas generator unit with a power range of 500-1200kW has been developed, which is suitable for coke oven gas, producer gas, coke tail gas, oil shale tail gas, carbide tail gas, ferroalloy tail gas and other industrial tail gas. The utilization of these combustible coke oven gas for power generation can not only solve the air pollution caused by emissions, but also save power resources.

Hydrogen and carbon monoxide gas have strong adaptability and wide application range;
Good resistance to impurities such as tar, dust, sulfur and naphthalene in refining gas;
Air is mixed with gas cylinder, high hydrogen gas has no flashback problem and high safety;
Automatic adjustment of air-fuel ratio, strong adaptability to gas fluctuations, and stable power output;
High degree of automation, with one-button start, automatic closing, loading and other functions;
Long annual operation time, low failure rate, long maintenance cycle and low operation cost;
Application gas source requirements
The gas shall undergo dust removal, tar removal, desulfurization, dehydration and cooling before entering the machine, and meet the following requirements:
進機燃氣溫度≤40°C; 燃氣熱值≥4.0MJ/Nm3
Inlet gas temperature ≤ 40 ° C; Gas calorific value ≥ 4.0MJ/Nm3
燃氣壓力2.5~ 10kPa; 壓力變化率≤1kPa/min;
Gas pressure 2.5~10kPa; Pressure change rate ≤ 1kPa/min;
水分含量≤40g/Nm3, 不含游離水; 粉塵含量≤30mg/Nm3;
Water content ≤ 40g/Nm3, without free water; Dust content ≤ 30mg/Nm3;
粉塵粒度≤5μm; 焦油含量≤50mg/Nm3;
Dust particle size ≤ 5 μ m; Tar content ≤ 50mg/Nm3;
硫化氫含量≤50mg/Nm3; 硫總含量≤100mg/Nm3;
Hydrogen sulfide content ≤ 50mg/Nm3; Total sulfur content ≤ 100mg/Nm3;
氨含量≤20mg/Nm3 苯含量≤50mg/Nm3
Ammonia content ≤ 20mg/Nm3 Benzene content ≤ 50mg/Nm3
萘含量≤50% 氫氣體積含量≤60%
Naphthalene content ≤ 50% Hydrogen volume content ≤ 60%
Hydrogen containing gas, oxygen volume content ≤ 1%